Compagnie Pernette

La Figure de l'Érosion

La Figure de l’Érosion pays a tribute to large monumental statues which can be found in every site.
They remind us of memorable moments in history. Beautiful moments and perhaps events that, with the knowledge of today, we would rather not be reminded of.
A rebellion, a king or queen, an artist or a scientist, a soldier or a general.

“As I was interviewing a group of teenagers less than ten years ago, asking them about noteworthy events of the 20th century, I was left speechless by their lack of landmarks that could prompt the desire to build a better world.
Our contemporary history is riddled with wars, genocides, but also fights for peace and against racism and all sorts of inequalities. There were so many tremors, happy or tragic, so much lived horrors and earned joys, which for some people constitute a fertile ground for building another world, the next world, always evolving from pandemics to existential struggles.

La Figure de l’érosion is also about history, memory, abandonment…
Through dancing, I have always been trying to create this realistic utopia: a society of sharing, curiosity, tolerance and solidarity.

La Figure de l’érosion is a moment of introspection and contemplation, an appropriate time for dreaming and questioning.
At a time where we interrogate the statues’ very existence, let’s shake these traces of the past to better imagine the future.”

Nathalie Pernette

Facts & Figures

  • outdoor | indoor
  • fixed place
  • language no problem
  • suitable for all ages
  • 50 minutes
  • 1 or 2 x per day
  • Besançon (FR)
  • Website

Nathalie Pernette trained as a classical dancer from an early age and as a modern dancer with Françoise and Dominique Dupuy: this duality of influences is still visible in her creations today. She worked for 12 years with fellow choreographer Andréas Schmid before creating her own company, Compagnie Pernette in 2001 and settled in La Friche Artistique in Besançon (FR).

Showing a taste for experimentation and encounters, Nathalie Pernette and her team explore the potential and possibilities of various working spaces (indoor, outdoor and special locations). They also mix dance with other artistic disciplines such as visual arts and live music to create their unique and special touch.

Apart from producing and touring their works, the company develops actions to introduce people to contemporary dance.

The company performs in a variety of spaces in France and beyond, from dance sets (Théâtre de la Ville, Opéra Bastille, Théâtre de Chaillot and other theatre and dance venues…) to festivals (ZAT Montpellier, Viva cité, Scènes de rue, Chalon dans la rue, Coup de chauffe à Cognac…) and other rural or urban areas, indoor and outdoor.

This wide diffusion of their works aims at giving the chance to a wide diversity of people to get to know and like dance, by wiping out pre-made ideas and reluctances.

Choreography   Nathalie Pernette assisted by Regina Meier
Distribution   Lucien Brabec, Léa Darrault, Félix Maurin,
Laure Wernly
Music   Franck Gervais
Costumes and make-up   Fabienne Desflèches assisted by Thelma di Marco
Technical Direction   Benoît Favereaux & Jean-François Chapon

Le Centre des monuments nationaux, Atelier 231 – CNAREP à Sotteville-lès-Rouen, Le Moulin Fondu – CNAREP à Garges-Lès-Gonesse, Ateliers Frappaz – CNAREP à Villeurbanne, Le Théâtre de Chatillon, Le Citron Jaune – CNAREP à Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, Lieux publics – Centre national de création en espace public, Marseille, Eclats de rue – Ville de Caen.

Conseil départemental du Doubs, Ville de Besançon, l’ADAMI, la DGCA.

Other perfomances of Compagnie Pernette